Looking after your wealth is our mission.

For a few years, the investments advisory market has grown very much and, nowadays, almost everyone is assisted by somebody, from the bank officer to the agent that works for a broker dealer.

But the issue is: can you really trust who is advising you? This advisor has a greater responsibility than simply suggesting investments or giving tips. He should be looking after your investments, dreams and your future!

Have you ever caught yourself asking for tips from friends about investments?

Ricardo, our founder-partner, was this kind of friend. He had already 15 years of experience in the financial market and had worked for global banks, such as Morgan Stanley and that is why many people would keep asking him for advice on how to manage their wealth

This started creating some concerns: “If I were to leave my future and my family’s future on the  hands of the advisor, how would I like to be treated?”.

Then he decided to bring to Brazil a model that is still little known here but which is adopted by   75% of the American families: the independent financial advisory.

And thus, Vita Investimentos was born.

Meet our partners

Ricardo Guimarães
Founder Partner | CEO
Nathalie Toquetti
Claudia N. Salles
Partner | CEO Vita USA
Arthur Mello
Partner | Co-CIO
Tharcisio S. Santos
Partner | Co-CIO